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Ramat Hay'il branch - Barzel 32, Tel Aviv


My name is MARIA MASLARSKI, I'm a professional make up artist, business woman .,entrepreneur and a mother bonic is my make up and skin care brand that i established a year ago with a lot of passion, desire and knowledge to make a brand that will fit any woman and girl in the world. I started my journey as a professional makeup artist, went through advanced training abroad, taught and managed in the prestigious schools In Israel and around the world for about a decade, over the years I have gained a devout clientele that believes in me and my way. You will never find me compromising so I have developed unique makeup techniques I pass on social media and in the various courses so that they are accessible to everyone. After many years in the industry, I decided to establish bonic.in bonic products I invest all the knowledge I have accumulated over my years as a makeup artist to bring you products that provide a real and broad solution for all skin types and age ranges. bonic Built with my credo means you're never alone if you're debating how to use the product or which shade will suit you, my team and I are available to you for a professional response You are welcome to watch my tutorial videos and live on Instagram and Facebook and enjoy the journey with me. Makeup is not a mask it's a way of life! love MARIA MASLARSKI, bonic founder and owner


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